Introducing Swiftjective-C Sponsorships

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Today marks the start of a new, meaningful launch for me, professionally speaking. I am proud to launch Swiftjective-C Sponsorships 🥳. If you just want the details on them, feel free to visit that link in the last sentence. For the backstory, read on.
The What
Over the years, I’ve often wondered how to merge my love of writing about technical topics, APIs, Apple and indie life with some sort of business-y….thing? The answer for me is sponsorships. Privacy first, not “in your face”, sensible ads.
While the answer seems obvious, the implementation wasn’t. I turned to some ad publishing partners that I felt good about, but all of them didn’t quite have that je ne sais quoi I’ve always yearned for on my own website. Like, it was close to what I want - but not being able to tweak that last 10% ate at me, you know? As with anything on my piece of the internet, I want to control how they look and feel.
And so today, I get to launch a brand new, simplified design of Swiftjective-C and sponsorships along with it! I hope this ushers in a new era for me, wherein I write consistently and get to further my love of exploring APIs, sharing my own lessons learned and anything else that comes to mind. And, I hope that whoever else is looking for affordable ad options will take a look at sponsoring this very site.
The Why
The hope is that this venture becomes what I always aim for in any project I do, a win-win partnership. I get to make a little coin for doing something I love doing, and others get a way to share their message. It also means that this site is more of a personal priority for me, which is something my family and I have wanted for a long time.
I want to write, and I want to do it often. And not just about APIs, about anything, really. The other week, I was opining to my wife about Tesla’s update to its OS. I had thoughts. I said, “I’d love to write on this, etc etc etc” and she looked at me said, “Then why aren’t you?”
Such simple advice, but I’ve long made reasons for why I don’t.
“It’s not about Apple or Swift.”
“Will people want to read this coming from me?”
“Maybe the community expects me to only write about Y, and writing about X would alienate them.”
The list goes on. But today, I’ve thrown it away.
I’ve given myself permission to have more sobriquets associated to me than “developer”. After all - what’s the point of having your own site that you custom built if you don’t feel comfortable enough using it to write about whatever you want? Today, I’m gonna start doing that. Will most of it being about Apple platform development? Sure, that’s where my heart it. But I want to plug into other worlds, share links to interesting topics and pour more of myself onto these digital pages. I’m excited to do that.
And so that brings me to day, hitting that big red launch button. I’m thankful for Runway for being the very first Swiftjective-C sponsor! I hope there are many more to come. If you’re interested in sponsoring, I have a new page with all the details. Although, it’s pretty simple - just send me an image, a tagline and URL. That’s it.
Here’s to a lot more writing on this site. Because that the end of the day, as Marc Jacobs once said, let’s do what we love — and do a lot of it ❤️.
Until next time ✌️.